Tuesday, July 11, 2023

This Matters

 Ah, the Supreme Court. The highest court in the land. The place where our twentieth century ideals went to die. 

After they decided to put a stop to Affirmative Action, they went ahead and decided to torpedo President Biden's student loan forgiveness plan, and then figured it would be okay if a web designer who refuses to create websites to celebrate same-sex weddings out of religious objections. Never mind that the couple in question may not ever have existed. This is all policy being created by the judicial branch. 

If you're a fan of checks and balances, you may have believed at one time that it was up to lawmakers in the House and Senate to determine how we run the country. The Supremes are in there to make sure that it's done on the level. Upper class white males won big time. Now at last Harvard can start admitting more white males and that will work out great because chances are they won't be the type who welch on their student loans because mummy and daddums will write a big check to make sure that the lacrosse team gets new nets. And if someone starts squawking about how they aren't being unable to gain access to those halls of power, you can tell them to shove off and quit whining because the Supreme Court says their way is the Constitutional Way. 

Or at least that's how they interperet it. While members of Congress continue to ignore the PPP loans they took during COVID, they want us to understand that not paying back your debts is wrong. When it's student loans. And if you wanted a designer to put together a web page to celebrate your completely legal same sex marriage, the designer could cite her religious freedom as the reason to ignore the civil rights of others. 

And if you had any doubts about how things might roll if a former game show host was allowed to pick one third of the Justices on the Supreme Court, well now you've got a taste for it. And since they get to stick around until they decide they want to leave or are carted away shortly before they go to that big courtroom in the sky, we'll be digging ourselves out of this one for a good long time. Remember when women had a legal right to choose their own reproductive care? So far this group of Supremes has taken down abortion and affirmative action. If they're working alphabetically, we're all in trouble. Did I mention that some of these folks are currently accepting bribes

Please think long and hard before your vote for Robert Kennedy Jr. 

This stuff matters. 

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