Friday, July 07, 2023

Nerd Alert

 Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg fight in a cage match. If that doesn't sound like the setup to a very bad joke, very little on this big blue marble does. But aside from being just that, it was actually suggested. These two pasty nerds are so lost for something to do now that they control most of the world's information that they need to have their own personal Thunderdome. Two nerds enter. On nerd leave. 

And to what end? Would the correct and virtuous point of view be uncovered by such a contest? Two grown men grappling and slapping at one another might somehow help cure the ills of this world? 

Doubtful, but I expect that the years Mush and Zuck spent as kids being teased for their bookish ways and less than chiseled physiques probably fed into a need for some sort of gratification that could only be served by such an enterprise. I remember the time that Lyle Alzado decided to fight Muhammad Ali. That was announced as a charity exhibition. How could you lose that one? Unless you had a huge ego and you were worried about your legacy. Two other guys who decided to throw hands, Danny Bonaduce and Donny Osmond, weren't so much concerned about their respective legacies but rather how to extend them. Even if it meant making themselves appear foolish in the process. 

Again, Elno and Marky do not have anything to prove here. Not anything that couldn't be resolved over a few nasty tweets, but even then the choice of social media would tip the tables in favor of the dork who spent four billion dollars to buy the service in the first place. I notice that neither of these gentlemen chose to suggest that they could try and out-alturist the other. "I'll bet I can cure cancer first!" 

No, no, no. That is not the age in which we currently find ourselves. They won't be satisfied until someone gets a bloody nose. Or dislocates their mouse-finger. It won't be over until somebody ends up crying. Errol Musk, Elno's daddy, suggested that this is a "no-win" situation for his rumored to be biological son. Except for the revenue generated by such a freak show. 

Which leaves me with a thought about poor Tonya Harding. Her pugilistic career didn't manage to win her any new fans, but it did get her a spot on Dancing With The Stars. Why not get Musk and Zuck to tango themselves into infamy? 

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