Sunday, July 16, 2023


 Disney's CEO and MIC (Mouse In Charge) Bob Iger says that writers and actors going on strike simultaneously is "very disturbing to me" and their expectations are not "realistic." 

You know what else isn't realistic Bob?

A mermaid who gets her wish to walk on land.

A pretty lady who lives with seven short diamond miners, waiting for her prince to come. 

A flying elephant.

Talking cars.

Talking deer.

A mouse who tends to wear only pants who is friends with a Duck who goes without.

A five dollar churro. 

This is the very beginning of a very long list, but as you can see, it is the imaginations toiling away in those scary tunnels below Disneyland that keep the magic coming. Bob, who never had a creative idea in his life (unless you count that stint as a weatherman back in the early seventies), is being paid twenty-something million dollars a year to use his emperor's thumb to decide the fate of properties brought to him from those dungeons, and as long as those projects continue to make money, so will he. 

Lots of it. 

The average screenwriter makes just a little less than I do each year. We don't tend to hear about "average" screenwriters, since the stories we do read about screenwriters are about the fantastic deals they made. But there are a lot of average screenwriters. Take a look at all the average TV and movies there are. The average actor makes just about the same. To star in all those average movies and TV shows. The same average TV and movies that clog up your favorite streaming services. Those streaming services that are charging you to whether you watch their average TV shows and movies or not. Every month. 

What sort of reality is this, Bob? Does it sound a little like Robin Hood, except with foxes? That's not real either. Prepare for more unrealism. 

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