Saturday, June 03, 2023


I guess I'm a little perplexed. I thought that the Far Right folks were against what they were labeling Cancel Culture. Now it seems that you can't go anywhere without stepping in the middle of some boycott or another. 

As of this writing, Kohls, Chick-Fil-A, and Target are now on the Do Not Fly List for uptight MAGAts. Initially, they seemed happy buying cases of Bud Light and shooting at them, but now they seem to be dedicating themselves to bringing down department stores and, in what seems like a bit of a twist, God's favorite chicken restaurant. 

This Chick-Fil-A hoopla started after someone with access to Al Gore's Internet made a point of sharing Chick-Fil-A's most recent hire:  a Vice President of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and to make matters even worse, they are now celebrating LGBTQ Pride Month.

That sound you just heard was the audible gasp from the tiny brained fear rodents who have apparently developed a fear of rainbows.

And what exactly are they so terrified about? Acknowledging a percentage of the human race doesn't live like they do might upset the very twisted balance upon which they have built their lives. It makes it extremely difficult for them to move about the country in their accustomed privileged bubble, knocking over people and things that somehow don't fit into their narrow vision of "how things should be."
Well, here's the wakeup for all of them: Things never were like the way they think things should be. People didn't just start being gay in 2016. America was founded on ideals like diversity and equity. Out of many, one. Or if you're more comfortable with the Latin, E Pluribus Unum. Not a uniquely American idea, but one that those who started this Constitutional Democracy of a Republic thought it important enough to stick on a lot of our money.

The money that you can feel to spend at Kohls, or Target, or even Chick-Fil-A. But to tell you the truth, since I am familiar with it, I kind of like that all those conservative types are being made to feel uncomfortable. There a lot of Americans who have spent their lives feeling like that every day. Feeling excluded? Gee. That's too bad.

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