Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Look At This!

 Everything we see and hear is one big conspiracy. The Matrix movies were documentaries. The crackers I had for lunch were made from people. The Deep State will probably doctor this blog post and turn it into a bunch of inconsequential lies about things that don't matter. There is no escape!

Whew. Those past three lines took a lot of energy. I wonder how folks who live that way all the time cope. Lots of caffeine, no doubt. The one that has been amusing me this past week or so is the insistence by the conspiranoids that every time something happens that we should be paying attention to, something else happens to take our attention away from the thing to which we should have been paying attention. That submarine getting lost was a cover for the Hunter Biden charges. Who cares about a bunch of billionaires drowning when the son of a millionaire, who happens to be a millionaire himself and whose dad is the President, pleads guilty to two federal misdemeanor tax charges. 

It probably didn't have anything to do with the fact that taxes are so inherently boring that cheating and fraud doesn't do much to spice up the topic, especially when compared to the human drama of billionaires lost at the bottom of the sea. Or the "distraction" of an attempted military coup in Russia. The conspiranoids would like us to believe that Joe Biden, who is alternately incapable of tying his own shoes and the evil genius behind the liberal demonization of America, unleashed the mercenary forces who were on their way to Moscow to overthrow Vlad "The Poot" Putin. Then he probably had some ice cream and a nice nap. 

Or maybe things are happening in such a torrid blur these days that concentrating on one dumpster fire at a time is all but impossible. The lunatics have taken over the asylum, or at the very least the news feed. Those on the left and the right seem to have driven right past the three hundred or so Pakistanis who perished off the coast of Greece when the overloaded fishing trawler they were on sank. There were no billionaires on board. 

Maybe that had something to do with it. 

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