Tuesday, June 13, 2023

Is This Familiar?

 Maybe you feel like I do, as if you had just woken up and found yourself watching the middle of a movie during which you had fallen asleep before the ending. Donald Orange Julius Trump was just on trial for something, wasn't he? And didn't I see him up in front of a crowd insisting that he was innocent? 

And this isn't a really good movie. But we seem to be stuck in a place where armloads of idjits still feel compelled to let him flaunt conventions and good taste. People like Kari Lake, who you may remember from a different fever dream that involves losers of elections to spend years after the last vote was counted insisting that they are the rightful heir to the throne. Here's what the Not Governor of Arizona had to say the night after her companion in counting dementia was indicted. Again: “If you want to get to Trump, you’re going to have to go through me, and seventy-five million Americans just like me. And most of us are card carrying members of the NRA. That’s not a threat, that’s a public service announcement.”

This is just an extended dance remix of the Marjorie Taylor Greene assertion that if she and her pal Steve Bannon would have been in charge of the January 2021 insurrection, they would have been armed. And they would have won.

So somewhere in this fantasy world in which these feral mongrels live it is completely worth having children shot and killed on a daily basis in order to Make America Great Again. The threads are just so darn easy to connect. Ironically, this is the same group that loves to tout Ms.s Greene and Lake as "Trump in heels," while withering in terror at the mention of a drag show. The Grand Old Party can't even get it together to save their gas stoves because they are having a contest to see who is the most conservative (read: confused).

While high schoolers are dying at their commencement ceremonies and the east coast wilts beneath a climate crisis cloud, the Loony Party is busy threatening violence in support of a loser. A loser with a capital T. That rhymes with D and that reminds me that this is the guy who hasn't had a job for almost three years. And before that, he pretended to be "president."

Somebody please wake me up when it's over.

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