Friday, June 30, 2023


 I should start by saying that I believe any person who would be willing to put themselves into the spotlight that is leading the free world probably has a kink in their personality. Of some sort. Even Jimmy Carter, who had lust in his heart. Bill Clinton might have taken a cue from him, rather than carrying on with "that woman" as he did. And others. 

So when we examine the forty-fifth man to hold the office, however tenuously, we should probably accept that there were some drawers that needed new contact paper in the dresser of his mind. The appeal, as I understand, of this former game show host is that he is not like all those other politicians. What sort of expectations that sets is frightening, as we all remember from his pronouncement that he could shoot a guy on fifth avenue and not lose any voters. 

Turns out he could commit sexual assault, tax fraud, and flash around confidential documents in the bathroom of his golf club and still not lose any voters. All of this on a course toward insurrection and guided by a willful disregard for the Constitution of the United States. The more outrageous his demeanor, the more fascinating he becomes. 

Witness the fact that I am once again taking up the topic of this demonstrated loser. This bully. This over-inflated blob of ignorant arrogance. 


Because I am terrified by the continuing adoration he seems to inspire among a wide swath of our nation's eligible voters. The louder he yells, the harder his flock dig in their heels. Never mind that he continues to admit his transgressions because he is physically incapable of maintaining his right to remain silent. His base believes that he can do no wrong because only he can define what is right and what is so painfully and obviously wrong to those of us without red ball caps on our heads. It is as if everyone hearing Lonesome Rhodes express his contempt for his audience in A Face In The Crowd, but they showed up to the next big broadcast anyway. 

Sadly, like so much of America, I can't find the off switch myself. 

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