Friday, May 26, 2023

Through A Glass Darkly

 Upon hearing that the NAACP had called for a travel ban for African American tourists headed for Florida, class act and alleged human being Ann Coulter let this one fly: "NAACP issues warning to African Americans to avoid visiting Florida; employees in restaurant and tourism industry brace for 0.00 % drop in tips."

Across the lake of fire, Ted "Can Cun" Cruz made this assertion: "In the 1950s & 1960s, the NAACP did extraordinary good helping lead the civil rights movement. Today, Dr. King would be ashamed of how profoundly they've lost their way." Thanks for that spot-on assessment of the situation, Ted. 

If you lived in a state where history includes the story of the Civil Rights movement, you may remember a boycott of many of the businesses in Alabama. You might also remember that Doctor King led these boycotts and was opposed to what he referred to as "The Three Evils." His daughter, Bernice, who had some passing knowledge of this bit of the past, replying to Ted Cruz, "What my father would be deeply concerned about is the harmful, discriminatory legislation in Florida."

Two thousand twenty-three. Let it sink in for a moment. Just moments after the United States elected its first woman of color to the Vice Presidency, a few moments after the first African American served as President of the United States and fifty-five long years since a racist murdered Doctor King.

Here we are, normalizing blatant racism, homophobia, xenophobia, pantophobia. Painfully white America is clinging desperately to their control over everything by any means necessary. This means that grotesques like Ms. Coulter have crawled out into the light, believing that they will be safe in this "new reality." And maybe the suggestion that we, as a nation, are better than all of this is a flawed one. It seems far too easy for these tiny brains to gather more like-tiny-minded individuals together in order to form a less perfect union.

In the name of making America "Great Again."


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