Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Stop Making Sense

A long time ago, someone asked David Byrne why he called his movie "Stop Making Sense." He replied, "Because it's good advice." 

 "Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet." This advice was originally given to US Marines in Iraq under the command of General James Mattis, who was later was named Secretary of Defense by a former "president" and gameshow host. More recently, they were the words that were handed out by Faux News in the wake of the massacre at the shopping mall in Allen, Texas. Rootin', tootin', "Constitutional Carry" free-wheelin' gun-slingin' Texas. 

I checked around for some Texas voices suggesting gun control. The saddest part is that while the elected officials continue their stream of thoughts and prayers, none of that mental exertion brought a single body back to life. The victims and families connected to Uvalde, Snnta Fe, El Paso, Fort Hood? They feel the pain all over again and after raging, some of them for years, at the machine they have turned ot a level of acceptance that this will just keep happening. 

I am drawn once again to the words of Dr. Seuss's Lorax. "Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not." The Lorax was speaking for the trees, but I speak for the men, women and children who are being cut down without regard to their existence. Instead, we feel the need to place "god-given" before our insane right to bear arms. How can the author of the First Commandment, thou shall not kill, be involved in the glorification of these false man-made idols we call guns? 

It doesn't make sense. It's time to start making sense. 

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