Saturday, May 06, 2023

Not Yet

 The year is 2023. Young Tuck(er) Carlson was fired from Faux News (in part) because of the following text he sent he sent to a producer at his former employer: “A couple of weeks ago, I was watching video of people fighting on the street in Washington. A group of Trump guys surrounded an Antifa kid and started pounding the living s**t out of him. It was three against one, at least. Jumping a guy like that is dishonorable obviously. It’s not how white men fight. Yet suddenly I found myself rooting for the mob against the man, hoping they’d hit him harder, kill him. I really wanted them to hurt the kid. I could taste it.” That text was sent in 2021. Two years later, after much consideration and a settlement with Dominion Voting Systems for three quarter of a billion dollars, the higher-ups at Faux News felt it would be in their best interest to let Mister Carlson go. 

A couple things here: Young Tuck(er)'s following insists that he was railroaded, a sacrificial lamb. His is the voice that moves the masses with glazed eyes and red baseball caps. He is the light and the way for the cave dwellers. The Lorax speaks for the trees, but apparently Tuck(er) speaks for the MAGAts. 

Meanwhile, whatever nondisclosure agreement or gag order has been applied to Carlson is not keeping vile things from spewing forth at Faux News. If the bar is Tuck(er) Carlson, there are plenty of mouths willing to audition for his old spot. How about Jesse Watters? On Tuesday's broadcast, Jesse went off: “I saw on the way into work an illegal immigration family digging through the trash looking for recyclables,” Watters said, prompting co-host Jessica Tarlov to ask him how he was so sure. “You can tell,” claimed Watters, whose explanation didn’t fly with Tarlov. “I can tell! I’m a city guy. You don’t want me to get into it, but I can tell.” 

“It’s the saddest thing to see because they’re not able to work here. They came to work, but they’re not able to work here,” he continued. “The point is this: you have to be able to choose the people that come into the country based on needs. If you need this type of person, bring them in. But to just say everybody come in and then, oops, you know, now people are looking for a five cent bottle, that’s not right. And you can’t blame the guy down in Texas for that. Joe Biden is the common denominator for all of this.”

There's a lot to sift through there, but what ultimately lands on a knock against Joe Biden manages to make the harshest racist generalities in ways that apparently even made another Faux talking head nervous. 

It's 2023. Why aren't we better than this yet? 

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