Tuesday, May 23, 2023

News To Me

 A group of veterans was kicked out of a Newburgh, New York, hotel last week. Why? To make room for migrants who were going to be housed there at taxpayer's expense. This kind of outrageous behavior is typical of the current administration and further evidence of just how misplaced its priorities are. These men who served their country are being put out on the street so that the charade on our porous southern border can continue. How can you call yourself an American and not be incensed by such shenanigans? 

As a follow-up, how could you be so gullible? A number of media outlets, ran with that story right up until it turned out to be made up. Fox and Newsmax went all frothy at the mouth after picking up the story from the "always reliable" New York Post. Yes, the journalistic integrity of these outfits was once again sorely tested and when it turned out that it was all made up, they moved on to the next frothy outrage opportunity. 

The group of men were offered two hundred dollars each to spin this tale, and if they were uncomfortable with the lying, they could be identified as mute due to post-traumatic stress disorder. It was the New York Post that ran with the headline: "Longtime advocate lied about vets getting kicked out of NY hotels for migrants." In this version of the truth, we learned how "devastated and disheartened" others were to find out that the original story turned out to be a lie. New York State Assemblyman Brian Maher was confounded by the actions of Sharon Toney-Finch with whom he has worked over the past three years on various veterans' issues. When pressed about her charade, Ms. Toney-Finch said, "I had to help the veterans.” Since the men in question were only pretending to be veterans, it is a little difficult to tease out just exactly how this was helping anyone. 

Anyway, when the smoke cleared, there wasn't much of a story, except that someone appropriated outrage from one sector and used it to generate more outrage. Which, I suppose is actually a pretty efficient system. It's certainly much easier than telling the truth. 

And I heard that hotel in Newburgh was also being used as a halfway house for transexual late term abortions. 


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