Friday, March 31, 2023

Don't You Get Tired Of Reading This?

In the wake of Monday's school massacre in Tennessee, a mother who survived the shooting at Highland Park, Illinois back on July 4th found herself a spot in front of Faux News cameras and microphones. "Aren't you guys tired of covering this?" She was referring to the traveling bands of media crisscrossing the country on call for the next bloodbath. It's only a matter of time, usually just a few days, before they pack up their satellites, makeup and hair people, and hit the road to their next gory destination, ready to shove some grieving parent, friend or bystander into the lights and ask them how they feel about the people that were recently alive but were killed for no apparent reason. 

In Nashville, Music City, three staff members and three nine year old children were killed when a lunatic shot their way into a private Christian school and started playing a song we know all too well. The victim's names. The thoughts and prayers. The search for a motive. The wringing of hands. The use of an AR-15. Then it's time to get on the bus and head to the next catastrophe. 

Representative Tim Burchett of Tennessee had this to say on the morning after: "It's a horrible, horrible situation. We're not gonna fix it. Criminals are gonna be criminals. And my daddy fought in the Second World War, fought in the Pacific, fought the Japanese, and he told me, he said, 'Buddy,' he said, 'If somebody wants to take you out and doesn't mind losin' their life then there's not a whole heck of a lot you can do about it."

Can you guess which party Congressman Burchett is from? Can you guess what he answered when he was asked how he keeps his own little girl safe? "Well," he replied, "We homeschool her." 

I am sick and tired of these "answers." None of our children are fighting the Japanese in the Pacific. There is a heck of a lot we can do about this. All I can figure is that somewhere deep inside we are all just too terrified of standing up and saying Guns Are Bad. Guns Kill More Kids Than Cancer. 

And the media, well maybe we should take a peek at another anguished mother, this one happened to be a Faux News reporter on the scene of a lockdown recently in Denver. She was quite emotional upon being reunited with her high school son who came up to her in the middle of a live shot. 

Live shot. Irony fully realized. Only a matter of time before one of those reporters gets the news that their child was among the dead. Then maybe they will get tired of covering it. 

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