Saturday, February 11, 2023

You Know - For Kids

 Anyone who watched the State of the Union address, as I did, probably felt as if they needed to check the rules. To get the nitty gritty on the whys and wherefores, I went to a  called "State of the Union For Kids." Here is the introduction I found there: "The State of the Union Message is a message from the President to Congress, usually given once a year in January or February.   In the message, the President talks about important issues facing Americans and offers his ideas on solving the nation's problems, including suggestions for new laws and policies."

Sounds pretty lame, if not pretty relaxed viewing. 

Not this past Tuesday. 

Fourteen years ago, a trend began with South Carolina's Representative Joe Wilson, who yelled "You lie!" during then President Barack Obama's State of the Union. At that time, this was considered outrageous and shocking. Then things got worse. Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House in 2020, sent a message to the "president" and former gameshow host she tried to impeach twice by tearing the text of his speech in half. Then quarters, and so on until only tatters remained. I suppose, to her credit, she didn't do it page by page while he was speaking. 

That kind of behavior would have been right in line with the boorish cat-calling that took place during Joe Biden's second State of the Union address. Hoots and hollers and boos rained down from the Peanut Gallery (Congress) while the President talked about key issues facing Americans and offered his ideas on solving the nation's problems, including suggestions for new laws and policies. Many of these went over like a Chinese weather balloon. 

Instead of the patient waiting for applause lines and choreographed standing ovations, we were witness to the death of civility in our nation's government. It might be easy to point fingers at Republicans who hissed and called out, but the whole affair seemed to be geared toward fracas, not unification. While I suppose I can take mild satisfaction that the President didn't back down from a fight, I find it sad and embarrassing that this is the window we are opening up to the world. "Hey folks! Welcome to the Dysfunctional States of America. Pull up a seat and watch the fur fly. Don't expect that much will come out of these chambers over the next few years while we attempt to achieve more of a professional wrestling vibe here in these hallowed halls." 

State of the Union for kids? I would expect better behavior from ten year olds. 

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