Friday, February 17, 2023

What's The Point?

 Yes, what exactly is the point of repeating the same tired news? Gunman aged x killed y victims and wounded z in location b. The resulting equation always turns out the same = nothing. We are still waiting for the news that says that the number of mass murders taking place in our schools, churches, movie theaters and garlic festivals is zero. Raising the obvious question to me: Why would China or extraterrestrial life choose to gather information on a civilization that seems so very effective at killing itself? Just sit tight and wait us out. We'll most certainly do the job for you. 

In this space I am once again on that tired soapbox decrying the senseless waste of life caused by what we refer to as "a lone gunman." This one was on the campus of Michigan State University.  The variables in this case are a forty-three year old shooter, three dead and five more wounded. As has become tradition in these scenarios, authorities are searching for a motive. 

Let me back up here, for just a moment, and suggest that the term "lone gunman" is fallacious. If this guy were shot dead by police or captured or shot his own broken head off, another three would spring up to take his place. Hydra's teeth. 

If you're tired of reading about this, I can only begin to relate to you how incredibly tired I am of writing about it. The gunman in this version of the story was confronted by police five miles away from the scene. He killed himself, ending the need for a trial and creating a vacuum for the discussion of his motivation.

Here's a familiar twist on an old tale: According to the Michigan Corrections Department the shooter was on probation for eighteen months until May 2021 for possessing a loaded, concealed gun without a permit. 

Until May 2021. It's 2023. Acquiring a gun permit in the state of Michigan requires that you pass a simple True/False test. Then they run a background check on you. One might assume that if you had passed through your probation period that was imposed prior to the application process that you have rung some sort of magic bell that makes it okay to buy a gun. 

And then use it to kill other human beings. 

While we're on the subject of gun laws, I would like to put forth that the most important gun law that should be on everyone's mind is the one that states, Thou Shalt Not Kill. Using this as a starting point, we might expand that to something more like a physics problem, wherein a gun tends to kill unless acted upon by an outside force. Take the gun out of that equation and the rest doesn't really seem to matter. 

Is anyone out there still listening? 

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