Saturday, February 25, 2023

Keep It Civil

 You don't have to feel sorry for Marjorie Taylor Greene. Lots of people get divorced. Just under fifty percent of all marriages end that way. Back in December, Marge and her former husband dissolved their union after he had declared it had become "irretrievably broken." 


Again, you don't have to feel sorry for Marge, especially since she seems to find this solution applicable to all manner of things. This past week she declared "We need a national divorce. From the sick and disgusting woke culture issues shoved down our throats to the Democrats' traitorous America Last politics, we are done." The fact that this "policy suggestion" was issued via her Twitter account suggests just how seriously we should probably take this, but since the folks over at Faux News picked it up and ran with it like it actually meant something, we might prepare ourselves for a few weeks of discussion about why this thing isn't really a thing and remind folks about a time that someone made a similar suggestion in our nation's history and how it didn't work out so well for all those involved. 

And it's not like Marge didn't think about it, or what amounts to thought in that big empty head. Back in 2021, she started kicking this notion around: “After Democrat voters and big donors ruin a state like California, you would think it wise to stop them from doing it to another great state like Florida. Brainwashed people that move from CA and NY really need a cooling off period.” So there's some consideration for just how this whole thing would work. She is probably busy concocting a plan in which travelers going from blue to red states would require special paperwork, to be presented at MAGA checkpoints and received by a special force of nimrods like Kyle Rittenhouse. 

Of course, I do wonder if she has considered what lopping off the economies of California and New York would do for the "flyover states." I am sure that the braintrust found in those locales like Florida will figure out how to replace Wall Street, for example. Just as soon as they figure out how to get all those naughty books out of their libraries. 

Meanwhile, we should all take a moment to reflect on the pain and suffering Marge has undergone during this stressful time. Divorce is never easy. Even when it's a divorce from reality. 

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