Tuesday, January 31, 2023

The Opposite Of Understanding

 Continuing in his special purpose to all mankind as the perfect reverse barometer, Young Tucker Carlson declared that it was Antifa that we should be worried about in the coming days after the release of the Memphis Police video that showed the beating death of Tyre Nichols. "Unleash the wackos. Somebody has unleashed the wackos. There's always a pretext for this. There's always a story. They tell you to pretend it's spontaneous. 'It just happened. They just got so mad that they flew in from all over the country to stage a riot.'" 

First of all, let's keep in mind that changing the footwear of an anthropomorphic candy is enough to get Young Tuck's knickers in a twist. Secondly, maybe we should remember that Tyre Nichols took place on January 7. The public has been aware of this killing for nearly three weeks. The outrage generated by this traffic stop-turned murder has been brewing all that time. Each fresh report brought more individuals who, having seen the evidence, could find only savagery on display. The beating death of a young man pulled over for reckless driving (speeding) initially brought out the question: what must Tyre Nichols have been doing to warrant such a response?"

Pepper sprayed, tasered and beaten well past any kind of submission. Near the end he was calling for his mother. "All he needed to do was comply." Trying to wipe the pepper spray from his eyes, ward off blows, and try to imagine how this could be happening to him, he was supposed to offer up his hands to his assailants. 

 His assailants were Memphis Police officers. These men have been charged with Tyre Nichols' murder. Those who have been sworn to protect and serve the public beat an unarmed citizen to death. There are wags who would like to make a point out of these five men being black, and Tyre Nichols being black, so how could it be racist? 

The simple answer is that this kind of "policing" is inherently racist. As the weeks and months roll steadily by and the trials for these former officers begins, attempts will be made to understand their motivations. Their anger. Their fear. Their training. Their collective decision, though unspoken, to rend and torture a suspect and then make him wait more than twenty minutes for EMTs to show up to offer any sort of first aid. 

Meanwhile, Young Tucker Carlson would like us all to be frightened of the "Antifa" that are causing the outbreaks of violence in response to What Happened. "It's always the same script," he whines. Not for a moment does he consider that the script for people of color in the United States continues to be the same. Not after Rodney King. Not after George Floyd. Now it's Tyre Nichols. How is this still happening in our country. Why is this still happening after "police reform" like body cams and bystander video? How can this continue to happen when they know everyone is watching? 

Not questions that Young Tucker will ask. Or answer. Now back to those M&Ms. 

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