Thursday, January 12, 2023

Simple Solution

So, the only thing that can stop a six year old with a gun is a good six year old with a gun?

Just trying to keep my rhetoric straight as the United States tries to come together once again to explain a senseless tragedy. By definition, by the way, a senseless tragedy has no sense in it. But that shouldn't keep us from attempting the chore.

Police in Newport News, Virginia say that a teacher had an "altercation" with a student before that student fired one shot, critically injuring the teacher. That teacher was sent to the hospital where, by the weekend, she was in "stable condition making positive progress." 

If only the same could be said of the country as a whole. Explanations for how a first grader ended up with a handgun range from the obvious, "no six year old should have a gun" to the ridiculous, "if the teacher had been armed..."

And everything in between. The articles I have read about the incident all mention that the "focus of the investigation" is on where the child got the gun. 


Back in 2017, there were 393,347,000 guns in America. That was the number that could be surveyed. The actual number is nearly impossible to ascertain. The number of people in the United States back in 2017 was 325,100,000. The actual number is difficult to ascertain. But if you notice that the first number there was bigger than the second, then we have some very valuable information. There are more guns in America than people. In 2019 there were seven million guns manufactured in our country. We have been producing about four million new Americans each year. We are making more guns than people. If you haven't already come to the conclusion to which I am driving you, there are more guns than people. That's how a six year old in Virginia can come by a pistol to shoot a teacher. 

The cynic in me wonders how it took this long. You want some more numbers? One in three families with children have at least one gun in the house. It is estimated that there are more than twenty-two million children living in homes with guns. Or maybe that's not being cynical at all. Maybe that's just the facts. The horrible awful no-good facts. 

You want common sense gun regulations? How about no guns for six year olds? 

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