Monday, December 05, 2022

What Do You Call A Bunch Of Twits?

 The headline read: "Twitter Suspends Kanye Again." Which is blankly accurate, but after Kanye tweeted an image of a swastika imbedded in a star of David, the social media company suspended his account. More pointedly, the guy who is nominally in charge at the blue bird took away Ye's membership card. This event more or less coincided with Mister West's appearance on Alex Jone's InfoWars podcast which was highlighted by the appearance of Alex Jones seeming to be the sane one. Not content to leave any questions about his hard line antisemitism, Kanye said "I like Hitler." 

This brought out the talk show host in Jones, who said that he thinks “most Jews are great people” and told West that he has a “bit of a Hitler fetish going on.” To this, Kayne replied, “I don’t like the word ‘evil’ next to Nazis."

Somewhere in the halls of the Twitterverse, there was rumbling. That was the sound of Ye making his last stand. “Sorry but you have gone too far. This is not love,” Musk texted West before his account was suspended.

“Who made you the judge,” West responded, according to screenshots posted by the rapper.

The answer to that seemingly rhetorical question is pretty plain: The guy who made Elon Musk the judge is (opening envelope) Elon Musk. 

So there we have it. Business as unusual at the free speech capital of the world, where Elon Musk is going to keep an eye out for those who step across whatever line it is that exists in his mind. The same guy who just reinstated accounts for nutjobs like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Donald "The J Is For Truth" Trump. 

Meanwhile, my own feed of silly animal videos and dad jokes is periodically interrupted by some loon who has been reconnected to his keyboard and a place to spread his or her or their point of view on pronouns or the way underwear is the same as the masks we wear to protect ourselves from infection. 

That mission to Mars can wait. Elon Musk is going to figure out "free speech" for eight dollars apiece. Yet another way in which Elon is working to save our planet. 

Now back to the cat videos. 

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