Thursday, December 22, 2022

Over And Out

 On the cusp of two full years since the insurrection of January 6, 2021, the Congressional Committee created to look into those shenanigans has decided to recommend that the former game show host who had already been impeached twice be charged with four criminal charges related to his marathon struggle with the reality of his loss in the 2020 election. As the curtain rings down on 2022, the man who lost the popular vote in both of the elections in which he participated continues to stay just out of the consequences of his actions. 

He dodged having to hand over his tax returns. 

He ducked out on the responsibility for his theft of classified documents when he slithered out of the White House. 

His Org de la Trump is sitting on top of a ticking time bomb of fraud convictions. 

He has stayed just out of reach of a multitude of sexual misconduct allegations and lawsuits. 

His closest advisors are most readily identified by their criminal charges. 

And yet there are those who continue to paint this spray tan wannabe billionaire as a victim. His dinner guests include a who's who of anti-Semites and neo Nazis, and somehow it's us who don't understand that he really has all our best interests at heart. 

No. He. Does. Not. 

He is a liar. A cheat. A sore loser. A grifter. A narcissist of the widest stripe. He excludes himself from the consequences of his actions by pointing his fingers at those he claims wish him ill. He is not the victim here. Every day that goes by allowing that narrative to continue to gain any sort of traction is a bad day. The poison he poured into the well can only dissipate after he is gone. Turned away. Shut down. His flock needs to be awakened from the slumber and given back to real life. It is time for the boulder of truth to land on this ersatz Wile E. Coyote. English jurist William Blackstone suggested that it is better to let ten guilty men go than to sentence one innocent man wrongly. I don't expect that Judge Blackstone meant for all of that to apply to one man. Time to give us all Donald Trump's day in court. 

Time for this to be over. 

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