Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Magical Misery Tour

 Mary and Joseph were turned away from the inn when they got to Bethlehem. My guess is that if had been up to Texas Governor Greg Abbot, Jesus might have been born on Kamala Harris' doorstep. 

Yes, Governor Greg's wacky and sociopathic sense of humor was on display once again on Christmas Eve. Several busloads of asylum seekers from Ecuador, Cuba, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Peru and Colombia were dropped unceremoniously at the vice president's residence in Washington, D.C. They were met by a group of relief workers who had been tipped to the arrival by a non-governmental organization in Texas. According to reports, these buses were originally bound for New York City, but were diverted because of the weather. 

The horrible awful life-threatening weather that had been plaguing most of the country in the days leading up to Christmas. This diversion may have saved lives as many of the migrants showed up wearing only T-shirts. Volunteers with the Migrant Solidarity Mutual Aid Network met the group and helped find them shelter and food, just as they have since this series of pranks conducted by Republican governors and lawmakers eager to "own the libs" by sending innocents into areas they hoped would create the most visible trouble. "See how they like it," seems to be the prevailing attitude. 

In each case, since this new tactic began back in April, these men, women and children are met with compassion and care. Amy Fischer from the Migrant Solidarity Mutual Aid Network said, “We are always here welcoming folks with open arms.” And blankets. And warm food. And welcoming smiles. 

We often hear from some corners that we are "a Christian nation." Those values I just noted seem to me to be the foundation of that Christian nation. Shipping a bunch of asylum seekers off into the cold dark night for some sort of media opportunity does not. Instead, it feels more like the sort of thing Roman despots were know for back in the day. If instead Greg Abbot and his cronies would have gone out on Christmas Eve to deliver aid and comfort to those individuals stuck on the border, the one between his state and Mexico, then he might still have received coverage from everywhere. Except maybe Fox "News." They would be busy covering the chariot race between Sean Hannity and Tucker Carlson. 

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