Friday, December 16, 2022

Let The Right One In

 In this particular case, there is a double meaning. No one would mistake Lauren Boebert for "the left one." Ms. Boebert, pronounced "Boo-Bay" from the original French, was re-elected to her seat in the House of Representatives after an automatically triggered recount was completed this past Monday and she was announced the winner. 

The woman who heckled the President during his first State of the Union address. The woman whose stance on guns and the Second Amendment gives even Wayne LaPierre pause. A steady stream of xenophobic, homophobic, transphobic and allsortsofotherthingsphobic have poured from her mouth and social media accounts. A great portion of this fear and hate has roiled up from her insistence that the former gameshow host she calls "president" did not lost the 2020 election. She showed up in Washington insisting that she would stride around the Capitol packing heat. You know, for protection. At the same time, she scoffed at mask mandates that were in place to keep our country's leadership from spreading and dying from a pandemic that was killing Americans in record numbers. 

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this is the woman that Colorado's third district chose to represent them in Congress. Admittedly by the narrowest of margins, so close that a recount was required to be certain that the winner of the election was the one who went to Washington. She held off a strong challenge from Democratic challenger Adam Frisch. For his part, Mister Frisch was okay with the results, having conceded the election back on November 18. At that point, he was trailing Ms. Boebert by less than six hundred votes. At the time, he said this: “We do not have to let hate win, but we can come together and talk about issues that are important or individual lives in our communities. We have more in common than we differ.”

Yes, you read that right. No angry denials or calls for lawsuits. No screeds about election fraud. As for a recall election, Frisch told his supporters, “Colorado elections are safe, accurate, and secure,” adding it would be unethical for his campaign to continue accepting money from supporters. “Please save your money for your groceries, your rent, your children, and for other important causes in organizations.”

On Monday, it was back to business as usual in Boebertville. The freshly re-elected "representative" tweeted, "Conservatives, we need to be on OFFENSE not on DEFENSE." I was glad that I was not the only one to point out that she had already succeeded in being offensive. Yet another reminder of how much every vote counts. 

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