Thursday, November 10, 2022

Retail Space For Rending

 They're planning on tearing down the Flatirons Mall. This may not sound like big news to you, but it was for me. 

Sort of. 

The Flatirons Mall was opened twenty-two years ago, eight years after I had left the Boulder Valley, so I had a working knowledge of the real estae involved, but couldn't imagine how people in Boulder would make the trek over the hill to Broomfield to shop at Macy's and some of those other high-falutin' retalilers. But since the Crossroads Mall had been transformed into the retail spce known now as "29th Street" that should have taken care of everyone's consumer needs. 

But this is a town in constant flux. My hometown has never been completely happy with the status quo. Way back in the seventies, developers closed down one of the major streets to create the Pearl Street Mall, immortalized for many in the Robin Williams sitcom, Mork and Mindy. For a while, it seemed as those who preferred the outdoor pedestrian mall could coexist with those who enjoyed the enclosed environs of Crossroads

But Robert Frost would tell you that nothing golden stays, not even Orange Julius, and soon Crossroads was flattened to bring in a new and improved site for spending, the aforementioned 29th Street, cleverly named for the street which could no longer run through it. Meanwhile, the storefronts on Pearl Street continued to shift and change, leaving very little for Mork to recognize if he were to return. 

But I did. And all of this change and rearrange caused me all manner of confusion as I tried to find a place that would sell me what I needed. Not what I wanted, since that wasn't the direction in which I was headed. My search landed me at Target, where I once worked on the loading dock.

I guess you can go home again. 

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