Tuesday, November 08, 2022


 “It’s unthinkable what these people are doing to this nationThe way they want to destroy Christianity, the way they want to destroy our families, the way they’re destroying our children, the way they’re destroying our history, the way they’re rewriting our textbooks — guys, this is a cognizant war in this country. I’m not like the tinfoil hat-wearing guy. But if anybody thinks that they’re not weaponizing every single one of these systems — there’s only one party that’s weaponizing the systems." With these words, Eric Trump put the his listeners on notice that there is a cognizant war in this country. Since these listeners were attendees at a Qanon rally in Branson, Missouri it would probably be safe to say that if Eric was not himself wearing a tinfoil hat then there were probably a group somewhere in the auditorium who were. And that Don Jr.'s little brother may not have been wearing his shiny metal chapeau, he is most certainly in line for a fitting. 

With the advent of a new run for our nation's highest office, other than being CEO of Twitter, it should be noted that the voices coming from the twice-impeached former game show host are not becoming any more reasonable. Instead, the emphasis seems to be to double down on the fear and spittle in hopes of driving a wedge even more deeply into the divide that already profoundly exists in this country. The formerly United States. The war that the orange one's thrid favorite offspring rants about was declared by them, supported and pushed ever further toward the point of no return by the brains protected by tinfoil hats. It's not cosmic rays they fear, but ideas from the past sixty years. 

These rallies are self-perpetuating. They can run forever on the lies and anger stoked by the powers that be in the ludicrously far right camp. When young Eric insistst that it's "unthinkable" of course he means we should do nothing but think about it, even if it has been made up of spare parts stitched together by those too afraid to come out into the light of the twenty-first century. Rewriting history? One would have to have a working knowledge of history to rewrite it. That's what cognizant means. So, I suppose in this way I guess Eric may be onto something. 

Onto the next rally to stir up more anger and fear. 

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