Wednesday, October 05, 2022

Ummm, No

 It should not come as a surprise that the humiliated, twice-impeached former game show host would harbor resentment for those who still have jobs in the U.S. government. Mitch McConnell, for example. Here's what the bloated sack of orange protoplasm had to say about the Senator from Kentucky: 

“Is McConnell approving all of these Trillions of Dollars worth of Democrat sponsored Bills, without even the slightest bit of negotiation, because he hates Donald J. Trump, and he knows I am strongly opposed to them, or is he doing it because he believes in the Fake and Highly Destructive Green New Deal, and is willing to take the Country down with him? In any event, either reason is unacceptable. He has a DEATH WISH. Must immediately seek help and advise from his China loving wife, Coco Chow!”

I know. A lot to unpack there. First of all, if it seems that he may have shot on past the two hundred eighty character count for Twitter, that's okay because this post appeared on the terribly ironically named corner of the Internet called "Truth Social." And aside from making extra room for disgraced ex-"presidents," this site doesn't seem to be that concerned about death threats and racism. Over at Truth Social, they just sort of let it all hang out. At least when it comes to disparaging the members of the party most likely to be using their brand. And when it comes to the nonsensical ravings of a lunatic mind. 

Mitch McConnnell's wife, Elaine Chao was Transportation Secretary during the Trump Regime. Appointed by the guy who wrote the post. Is it possible that under the severe mental stress of typing with his thumbs that the man who lost the popular vote in two consecutive elections forgot that human beings out of his small circle of fiends might be reading his rants? Has he ever shown any indication that he cares? 

Well. No. A Sociopath with racist tendencies or a Racist with sociopathic qualities? Does it really matter? Should someone like this ever be allowed to run for dogcatcher for Palm Beach? These are all essentially rhetorical questions, but Mitch - with friends like these, who needs a figurehead? 

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