Saturday, October 01, 2022

Pinhead - Mark II

 “So, you hate to hype hurricanes, because it’s just a staple of TV and everyone’s kind of onto the scam.”

Thus spake the Pinhead, days before a category four hurricane was bearing down on central Florida. The Pinhead was following in the stumbling footsteps of another tiny brain and drug addict who insisted in 2016 that “It’s in the interest of the left to have destructive hurricanes because then they can blame it on climate change, which they can desperately continue trying to sell." 

Yes, gentle reader, it's time to rip the curtain off this façade. Destructive storms are just a way to "own the cons." It's bad weather that is good business for the libs. The tiny brained drug addict suggested back in 2017 that the left was pushing the bad weather agenda to sell batteries and bottled water. Liberals were trying to push the market for survival supplies. 

All of this was announced with great certainty without a shred of proof. How do we know? We just know. 

We also know that science has predicted a rise in category four and five hurricanes. The kind that crush entire cities and cause catastrophic damage. The folks who came up with these whimsical notions are from places like NASA, a notoriously untrustworthy group. All those fake moon landings, don'tcha know. Once again, just like the so-called "pandemic," we are being aske by Big Science to cower in fear. And buy batteries and water. 

From inside a television studio, this all sure looks like manipulation. Conspiracy of the ugliest kind. Everyone knows that if our reality is going to be manipulated it should be in the service of a twice-impeached former game show host. Still, the Pinhead was kind enough to acknowledge the existence of the "legitimately large hurricane barreling toward the Gulf Coast of Florida." It would seem that the existence of satellite imagery and eyewitness accounts are not currently on the chopping block. Instead, we are left to believe that the FBI was behind the January 6 Insurrection and Obama and Hillary are responsible for the hurricane business that aids them in their sales of batteries and bottled water. 

Severe weather is a leftist plot to get us all to believe that the climate is changing. Sleep tight, Gulf Coast, spake the Pinhead. There's nothing to worry about. Except maybe the continued presence of the Pinhead on your television set. 

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