Monday, October 17, 2022

Crisis Actor

 Alex Jones was ordered by a court to pay the parents of Sandy Hook shooting victims nearly one billion dollars. Nine hundred fifty-six million dollars. In the words of one commenter, "That's a lot of supplements." 

If you haven't been following the case and perhaps believed that Mister Jones might somehow slip free of any penalty at all for his campaign of lies and shame, the judge made sure that Mister Jones would remember it. For years, Alex Jones took to whatever soapbox would support his bulk and insisted that the twenty first graders and six teachers who were murdered ten years ago were made up. They never existed. And even if they existed, they were part of some liberal scheme to rid the country of guns. Families that had already been torn apart by violence were constantly bombarded by the repetition of these conspiracy theories even as they tried to push through their grief. Jackie Barden, whose son Daniel was killed in the shooting, testified about receiving letters from people claiming to have urinated on her son’s grave and threatening to dig up his body. I cannot imagine.

But Alex Jones could. He apparently thought nothing of using the deaths of children to promote his web site and his stream of right wing blather. His reaction to the verdict handed down? He live-streamed the event on his podcast, laughing off the damages. He assured his audience that he wouldn't have to pay off the monstrous debt. "Do these people actually think they're getting any of this money?" All the while in the background, he was promoting the super sale on all the items in his online store, thanking his tiny-brained followers for bottles of Anthroplex

Meanwhile, Jones is shoring up his defense by essentially tearing it down. He filed for bankruptcy back in July, and intends to appeal the judgements against him. This might keep him from debtors prison, but he will most likely spend the rest of his miserable life paying lawyers and, yes, the families of Sandy Hook. 

Because it was never really about a billion dollars. It was about sending a message to dolts like Alex Jones who would use their megaphones to cry wolf in a crowded movie theater. It should be apparent to anyone looking in that the only war Alex Jones is engaged in is the one against reality. The only "info" he has to offer is misinformation. He spent years insisting that the victims and families of Sandy Hook were "crisis actors." Now it would seem that term is best applied to Mister Jones himself. 

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