Sunday, October 23, 2022

Counting Down

 So, in Great Britain there is a new king. This was achieved by a line of succession that was set in motion by the death of Queen Elizabeth. Quite orderly, all things considered. Meanwhile, on the less regal side of things, the search is on for yet another Prime Minister. Yet another Liz, Truss in this case, has announced her resignation to be official in time for a new PM to be installed by October 28. Calls for a new national election swirl about as England looks back on the forty-five days of the Truss era. 

A new election a month and a half after the unmitigated failure by one of the least popular leaders in the country's history? Yes. It happens. 

Just not in this country. In our country, we continue to debate the winner of a general election as preparation for the next general election. Scores of candidates in the United States (I use the term mostly for nostalgia's sake) continue to insist that the 2020 election was stolen and there should be a do over of some sort because the majority of the voters in this great land of ours must be imaginary or illegal or improper in some way, shape or form. Just this past week, a federal judge ruled that the big sticky mess that was "president" after the 2016 election had lied under oath about voter fraud in the 2020 version. According to Judge David Carter wrote that Big Orange and his cronies  "launched a campaign to overturn a democratic election, an action unprecedented in American history. Their campaign was not confined to the ivory tower — it was a coup in search of a legal theory."

A coup in search of a clue. 

Which brings us back to the contrast between the way England runs their shop compared to their former colonies. To be sure, we tried to untie the strings that held #45 to the office at least twice, impeaching the worst president we've ever had. Oddly enough, at this same time, dozens of lawsuits were flying about the courts attempting to ensure the Fourth Reich would continue. 

By any means necessary

The continued advance of flawed arguments and logic, combined with a heaping helping of both fear and anger tuned to the frequency of racism, misogyny anti-Semitism and a general disregard for the truth continues to swirl about our nation as we circle ever closer to the drain. 

Still so much to learn from history. 

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