Thursday, September 22, 2022

What's Right

 So the twice-impeached "president" and former game show host is unhappy. He is upset because he believes that it was his idea to send migrants to liberal cities north of our border. And now Ron DeSanitzer is getting all the credit for it. 

This would be another instance in which I confess that I do not understand the MAGAt mind at all. Kidnapping innocent victims and shipping them off to strange places under false pretenses sounds like a crime, not a way to grab the spotlight. If I were the person who happened to live in the White House for a few years and was facing indictment on espionage, I rather imagine I would be keeping my head down. 

But that's not what happens around Donald "Jerkwater" Trump, is it? 

This comes at a moment in which the Florida "governor" is creeping ahead of the evicted resident of the White House. Emphasis on the "creep." To be a part of the New Wave of Republican "leadership," it would appear that the emphasis is on outlandish. Come up with something that stirs the tiny minds of your followers, no matter how despicable, and make a show of it. Try, if you can, to work in an appearance on Tucker or Hannity to cement your idiotic ideals in the loose earth of conservative policy. As it becomes more and more obvious that the only thing that will suffice is a violent overthrow of our democratic republic, points will be awarded for the most ridiculous ideals. How else might one explain the way Joe Rogan and Elon Musk have gotten in line behind Governor Ron? 

It is the currency of the lizard brains: Fear and incitement to riot. All those foot soldiers out there in their red baseball caps and "Let's Go Brandon" T-shirts are waiting for the next direction from on high. No matter what damage is caused to the country they claim to love. They are blinded to the reality of the cruel and vindictive schemes of the turtles on top of the pile. As midterm elections grow near, the already hushed voices of reason left in the Republican Party are being drowned out by the cries of chaos. 

When the earth is nothing but a scarred hellscape, I expect that these will be the cockroaches left. Left to show anyone left what's "right." 

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