Thursday, September 08, 2022

Information Retrieval

 ME: Canada Stabbing

GOOGLE: Did you mean "Canada Shooting?"

ME: Thank you, no. I meant Canada Stabbing

GOOGLE: Sorry. Why would you be searching for Canada Stabbing?

ME: Because ten people were killed and fifteen more were hospitalized

GOOGLE: Stabbing?

ME: Yes

GOOGLE: Canada?

ME: Yes

GOOGLE: Ten people were killed?

ME: Yes

GOOGLE: In a stabbing?

ME: Yes. It happened in Saskatchawan, in at least thirteen different locations.

GOOGLE: Really?

ME: Authorities are seaching for two suspects. 

GOOGLE: A manhunt?

ME: Authorities say this is one of the worst mass killings in Canada's history.

GOOGLE: Not a shooting? 

ME: No. Not a shooting.

GOOGLE: You know that mass killings are not as common in Canada as they are in the United States. 

ME: Thanks, Google. Is there anything else you'd like to share. 

GOOGLE: I can get you the number of a great sushi place nearby. 

ME: Thanks, no. How about a few of those standard thoughts and prayers for our neighbors to the north. 

GOOGLE: Do you mean there was a shooting? 

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