Monday, August 15, 2022

Not The President

So much of what continues to happen to us as a nation is a direct result of things that happened over the past six years. January 23, 2016: " I have the most loyal people. Did you ever see that? I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose any voters. OK?" There are multitudes of additional recorded bits of this jabber, but I believe this one hits closest to the bullseye. Embarrassed, humiliated, and impeached, twice, the words of Donald Jabber Trump continue to echo in the well of history. 

And then there's a more recent morsel. This one is a photograph. It features the former game show host with his invited guests on a balcony overlooking his golf tournament: Marjorie Taylor Greene and Tucker Carlson, peering down at the rabble. Laughing. What they are laughing about is open to anyone's guess. The fact that this photo was taken just after the former "president" insisted that “Nobody’s gotten to the bottom of 9/11, unfortunately.” This contradiction of his stance in 2016, “Who blew up the World Trade Center?…take a look at Saudi Arabia.” Might be part of the juxtaposition that brought on all that balcony hilarity. Since his golf courses will host two of the Saudi-backed LIV tournaments, he felt the need to set the record "straight." He encouraged those professional golfers who were toying with defying their own governing body to "take the money now." Pretty solidly on-brand there. 

Then there was that time back in 2019 when the guy who buried his ex-wife on a golf course wanted to sell nuclear secrets to Saudi Arabia. Well, he approved these deals. Right after journalist and US resident Jamal Khashogg was murdered. Murdered by by agents of the Saudi government at the Saudi consulate in Istanbul, Turkey. 

What makes us all think that the nuclear documents named in the search warrant of his tacky Xanadu weren't a continuation of this squirrely behavior? Why would anyone imagine that such a thing could happen? 

Maybe because he once bragged that he could shoot a guy on 5th Avenue and he wouldn't lose any voters. 

Maybe. But when someone near you starts that tired saw about how "if they can do that to the president, they could do that to anybody," remind them that Donald Jabber Trump is not the president. He is, to quote Dorothy Gale, a very bad man. 

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