Sunday, May 29, 2022

Who Do You Trust?

 There were too many doors on the elementary school in Uvalde, Texas.

The shooter was a transgender leftist illegal alien.

Law enforcement was chasing the suspect when he crashed his car near the school.

The shooting was a staged event to draw resources away from protecting the border.

The shooter was on medication.

The shooter was addicted to video games.

The shooter was listening to Barry Manilow's greatest hits on repeat.

This was an orchestrated event intended to allow the government to take away our guns.

This never would have happened if teachers were armed.

The media is to blame.

Joe Biden is to blame.

Barack Obama is to blame.

Sugary breakfast cereals are to blame.

There just aren't enough guns in the state of Texas.

Donald Trump won the 2020 presidential election.

Charles Lindbergh kidnapped his own baby.

The easier we make it for people to kill one another, the easier it is to do just that. 

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