Friday, May 20, 2022

Sense Of Loss

 Standing in the door to our kitchen, my son announced, "This isn't the place I grew up."

What brought on this pronouncement? Prior to this, he had made these kind of emphatic statements when The local Toys R Us closed. Or when they shut down the McDonald's up the street. Now, as the second quarter century of his life begins, he wasn't talking about the places from which he got his Legos and Happy Meals. But it was a restaurant at the end of the story. 

Lucky Three Seven, the Filipino place just a few blocks from our house is closed until further notice. This wasn't a corporate decision made from far away in hopes of maximizing profits. This was the family of the co-owner. They have decided that for the time being they will not be serving up their mix of lumpia, fire wings and chicken adobo. This unique spot in a sea of taquerias will remain closed until the family decides how to deal with the death of Artgel “Jun” Anabo who was shot and killed outside his restaurant this past Wednesday night.   

Jun was thirty-nine, and was looking forward to his fortieth birthday which he planned on celebrating with his eleven year old son who was about to mark his promotion from the fifth grade. That party will not be taking place. Instead, the family will be searching for answers during a time of terrible uncertainty. My son, who introduced us to Filipino cuisine from just down the street, had made a habit of dropping by Lucky Three Seven after his first order of Pork Longanisa. We were aware of Jun's commitment to his community each August when he and his family blocked off the street in front of his business and shared food and music as part of the National Night Out block parties across the city. He helped support other small business owners, getting other restaurants off the ground and putting out more tables on which we could all eat. 

My son wasn't missing Legos or a Happy Meal. He was missing his innocence. Like that eleven year old boy who watched as his father was taken away from him in an instant. It's not the town anyone wants to live in. 

This has to change. 

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