Thursday, May 26, 2022


 Vladimir "Putsch" Putin survived an assassinations attempt two months ago. According to Ukrainian intelligence, the coup did not come off as planned, and the Russian President just kept rolling. And shelling. And killing. The thought behind the failed termination of Putin's administration was that by cutting off the head of the beast, the rest of the beast would die. Or at the very least stop the unlawful and imperialist invasion of their neighbor. 

Now the attention turns to the failing health of the former bear wrestler and regularly shirtless wonder, Vlad "The Bad" Putin. Reports have swirled about over the past few weeks about all the various cancers that are currently attacking his body. Not unlike the way the Russian Army has come storming across the border into Ukraine. It would seem that the hope is that disease will do the work that government sponsored attacks could not. Somehow, the idea of this man being eaten alive by his own cells seems like a fitting end, but still falls into that category that finds Adolph Hitler shooting himself in the head. Seems like justice won't exactly be served if the man who sent his army into Ukraine to butcher women and children gets to experience expensive and exclusive cures and therapies while his soldiers are being killed by the thousands in an attempt to achieve some latent imperial dream of their fearless leader. 

Dying a slow, painful death of cancer may seem like a nice spin of the karmic wheel, but I would rather imagine him living through Ukraine's return to its rightful free and democratic status. I would rather that he have to sit and listen to news reports of the surrender of Russian troops, despondent and collectively embarrassed by the mission upon which they were sent. I would rather that he watch while the families that he tried to exterminate grow and thrive. 

Eventually, all of his organs will turn against him, reflecting the way his minions have turned on him and ignored his pleas to return to the bad old days. The shriveled husk of what used to be Vladimir Putin will "live" long enough to see his reign of terror become just a memory. I want him to have a front row seat for the day when "old friends" like Belarus turn their backs on their old warlord and join in the celebration of democracy across the region. 

I don't want it to appear as though I wish someone ill, but in this guy's case, I'll make an exception. 

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