Saturday, April 09, 2022

We Can Do Better Than This

 Okay, I know that I keep saying this, but I believe it bears repeating: The real problem is not a few unhinged loons making extreme rants. It's the loons taking it all in and then deciding, "Yup. Sounds about right to me." These folks do not have any kind of active role in the selection of a Supreme Court Justice, but their ability to cast votes for those who do is the part that worries me. 

Marjorie Taylor Greene, for example, can be relied on for something stupid and/or slanderous on a regular basis. Here's what she had to say about her party's senators who said they would vote to seat Judge Brown Jackson: "Murkowski, Collins, and Romney are pro-pedophile. They just voted for #KBJ." Mitt Romney, Susan Collins, and Lisa Murkowski are all Republicans, though I suppose in the echo chamber of Ms. Taylor Greene's mind they couldn't truly be members of the GOP because they fell out of lock-step with the hardline idjits who seem to be driving that bus. Furthermore, it should be noted that one might infer that #KBJ is a pedophile based on this distillation of the cherry-picked moments of a days-long set of hearings to confirm Judge Jackson to the Supreme Court. Allegations were made by some of those hardline idjits during those hearings that Judge Jackson was "soft on child pornography," a weak but titillating shot a her integrity that has been dismissed by fact-checkers across the board. Which shouldn't keep #MTG from making such a crude and hateful post on her government provided Twitter account.

Ms. Greene is running for reelection this year.

Senator Tom Cotton won't be running for reelection this year. But that didn't keep him from stirring that big black kettle called hypocrisy while rambling on about Judge Taylor's qualifications. After trying to connect her with terrorism, Mister Cotton upped the ante: “You know, the last Judge Jackson left the Supreme Court to go Nuremberg and prosecute the case against the Nazis,” he said. “This Judge Jackson might’ve gone there to defend them.” I suppose he deserved the point for saying "might've," but going ahead and tossing Nazi sympathizer in on top of this woman's distinguished service is the kind of cretinous behavior that seems to be standard practice among those who like their hate to be loose and smelly. The interesting connection here is that it was Marjorie Taylor Greene who was most recently in direct contact with white nationalists when she spoke at Nick Fuentes' America First rally back in February. 

Who's a Nazi? 

So I'm just putting these thoughts out there to remind anyone who asks or cares to ask to be reminded that these are the people who we elected. 

We can do better. 

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, we all really need to lean into the mid-terms this year!!
