Monday, April 11, 2022

The Flip Side

 What is right is whatever the right is against. This is my new rule of thumb. As conservatives seek to ban books and deny the existence of human beings and their sufferings, I feel like using their platform as a reverse barometer is probably a good place to start. 

Works by Toni Morrison and George Takei are among the books that "freedom loving" patriots who tend to froth ant the mouth whenever something begins to chip away at their white privilege want to disappear. They also don't want us to say "gay." Transgender people of all ages are shoved backward in time and rationale until they can only be seen as aberrations. Anything different or, perish the thought, queer should be banished from view. 

And now they're coming for Mickey Mouse. 

Yes, that bastion of Americana, the Wonderful World of Disney is now a target for the Right Wingnuts. After years of playing both sides of the fence, the corporate beast this is called Disney was forced to pick a side when Florida decided to make believe that gay people didn't exist. After years of steadily shifting from right to left, including doing "nothing to discourage" annual Gay Day events at their theme parks. After an attempt to avoid direct comment, Disney employees and shareholders got the powers that be to make this statement: “Florida’s HB 1557, also known as the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill, should never have passed and should never have been signed into law. Our goal as a company is for this law to be repealed by the legislature or struck down in the courts, and we remain committed to supporting the national and state organizations working to achieve that. We are dedicated to standing up for the rights and safety of LGBTQ+ members of the Disney family, as well as the LGBTQ+ community in Florida and across the country.”

And wouldn't you know it, all those mouth-breathers in red baseball caps decided that the right thing to do was to boycott Disney. Many, like the hater known as Candace Owens chose to ramp that up a bit further, insisting that those at the House of Mouse are “child groomers” and “pedophiles.” Another particularly dim bulb on the right side suggested that an alternative to visiting a Disney theme park would be to take the family to Dollywood instead, since "Disney’s post-Walt corporate leadership works to undermine sexual wholeness." Never mind that Walt was probably a fascist. Let's just skip directly to the part where we know that there are very few folks more gay-friendly than Dolly Parton, who also contributed mightily to the development of a COVID vaccine. Even Goofy didn't get mixed up in that. 

While the culture wars continue to rage on, just ask yourself, "What would Marjorie Taylor Greene do?" And then do the opposite. 

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