Saturday, March 26, 2022

Tragedy Plus Impeachment Equals...

California recently recorded record warm temperatures for March. Tornadoes touched down in New Orleans. Donald Trump would like us to believe this is "weather." A clever observation from a man whose previous experience with science had him staring at a solar eclipse. Still, one might imagine that this man was truly interested in ramping up for a rerun at the White House in 2024, he might do well to temper his blather. 


“In my opinion, you have a thing called weather. And you go up and you go down. If you look into the 1920s, they were talking about global freezing. OK? In other words, the globe was going to freeze. And then they go global warming, and then they couldn’t use that because the temperatures were actually quite cool, and it’s many different things. The climate’s always been changing.”

That last little bit may stand as the only tacit confession that the former game-show host and twice impeached "president" will ever make. As for the "global freezing" in the 1920s, well it doesn't seem as though there is any science to back that up. Rather we have the opposite, but this should not deter those who follow this disgrace. Instead, you can bet that somewhere in a concrete bunker there are minorly skilled minions cranking out "The climate's always been changing" T-shirts while social media flacks are using their limited familiarity with technology to promote this weak train of thought. 

Because it makes those people feel better about this wreck of a planet that we are handing over to our kids. My wife heard me grousing about the most recent Marjorie Taylor Greene rant about vaccines, and she asked the obvious question: Does she have any kids? A quick check let us know that she has invited three children into her death-spiral of a world. 

Which seems unconscionable. This of course presupposes the existence of a conscience in any of these folks, but it continues to mine the potential for the next generation being our last. Which is not sad. It's tragic. 

Please don't let that happen. When you see the cliff ahead in the distance, don't accelerate. 

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