Friday, March 18, 2022


Daughter of Hugh Hefner's best friend claims Playboy had 'shadow mansions' where sex abuse was rampant. 

I read this headline twice before I fully understood: The news folks would like us to address this as news. As if this was some sort of stunning revelation. They would like us to peel back the curtain on this well-kept secret. The very idea! Sex abuse was "rampant" at Playboy "shadow mansions." 

I grew up in an era where Playboy was a dirty magazine. The joke in around this publication was that gentlemen were reading it. For the articles. Much in the same way that they were visiting Playboy properties around the globe for stimulating conversation with world leaders. 

No they weren't. The men who found themselves allowed entrance into this mildly scrubbed world of pornography were there for rampant sex abuse. Sure, I know this comes as a huge revelation to the rest of you who clicked on this link and discovered that the women who did not make the cut for Playmate of the Month or Year or Week were lured to Los Angeles with dreams of Hollywood and were kept as sex slaves in miniature versions of the legendary House That Hef Built. Dreams of becoming an actor or model were dangled in front of these women who were drugged into a stupor and kept on hand for orgies. 

Knock me over with a feather. You mean that Hugh Hefner, millionaire purveyor of scantily clad women in a magazine had a sideline as a pimp? The man who drank all that Pepsi and tended to lounge around his empire in his pajamas was running an operation that had more in common with a bordello than Time Magazine? 

Perhaps in the intervening decades since Playboy became "woke" and stopped publishing a print version in March of 2020 "because of the pandemic" put pornography back where it belongs: on Al Gore's Internet. 

I would not be surprised that among the "products" being promoted by the newly digitized Playboy empire, aside from loungewear and their own line of male enhancement potions, that one could (for a price) "live just like Hef" in your own condo-size version of the infamous mansion. Grotto not included. 

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