Saturday, February 26, 2022

By Definition

 Kyle Rittenhouse wants to sue Whoopi Goldberg. She's not the only one. "Politicians, celebrities, athletes. Whoopi Goldberg's on the list. She called me a murderer after I was acquitted by a jury of my peers," Rittenhouse said. "I don't want to see anybody else have to deal with what I went through, so I want to hold them accountable for what they did to me."

Sometimes it's best for the tiniest of minds to speak for themselves. Kyle Rittenhouse, in case you may have forgotten in all the other business of daily survival in this less than hospitable planet, is the teenager who was acquitted of murder charges by a jury of what we can only assume were his peers. He was deemed to have acted in self-defense. He killed two men and wounded two more, having driven across state lines for the opportunity to do so. I understand by the strict legal definitions that Mister Rittenhouse is "innocent," and is not "guilty of murder." 

He killed two people with his very real gun, having traveled twenty miles for a chance to, as local law enforcement officers encouraged him to, "get some." Moments after Kyle killed, he attempted to surrender to some of those same officers. The officers initially walked right by him. 

Did I forget to mention that Kyle Rittenhouse is white? That the riots that he drove to Kenosha, Wisconsin to quell were in response to the shooting of a black man. Jacob Blake was shot four times, three times in the side. By Kenosha police officers. Those officers were never charged because (wait for it) they were acting in self defense. 

Since the killings, young Kyle has been on something of a victory tour, dropping by Fox News on a regular basis and becoming the darling of the Guns and Ammo Crowd. He used his appearance on Tucker Carlson's show as the chance to announce his "Media Accountability Project." 

Let that one sit for a moment: Tucker Carlson and Media Accountability Project.

Whoopi Goldberg is black. 

Tucker Carlson is white. 

In a world in which we are told that there is very little that is simply black and white, there seems to be an awful lot of that going on these days.  

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