Saturday, December 25, 2021

The Gift

 There is a comet somewhere out there

making its way through the dark

That comet is on its way back

That's how it works

Even if it takes thousands of years

It will come back to the warmth of the sun

It will take in the light and the heat

and to back out into the void

If you look down on the earth

as it makes its yearly trip

even the wobbles can be described

by equations about circles

because we all come back


Nothing stays lost forever

even if we aren't around to see it

The circle of the dryer reminds us

that socks can go missing

only to turn up in the hamper

The first time we go around

we don't always notice

so we get another chance

and another

and so on

We will meet again

don't fear

It's designed to work that way.

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