Sunday, December 19, 2021

In Another Universe...

 I was speaking with a group of fourth and fifth graders with whom I work on a leadership group. It was our last meeting of 2021, and we were finishing up our project, reflecting on our relative successes and challenges. This is about the time that the subject turned to Mister Caven.

"Wow," said one, "I'm really glad you're the computer teacher," before finishing up with, "Instead of principal."

"Why is that?" I asked.

"Because this school would be so different."

"How so?"

"We wouldn't get away with anything 'cause you're so strict."

For a moment I felt a little sting. Not a big one, since long ago I abandoned the search for an administrator's credential in favor of playing utility infielder for this home away from home for the past twenty-five years. And yet, I confess to that little pinch. These were kids who had volunteered to spend Tuesday afternoons with me after school for an hour, so I knew that their feelings for me were pleasant enough. This particular student felt I was strict. No big deal.

And the other five joined in agreement. 

Which caused me to reflect on my practices. Did I want to be the "no running in the halls guy?" Did I want to be the one who enforces the no Pokemon cards rule? Did I want to be the teacher that causes whispered discussions to stop as I walk past?

Well, in a word, yes. As a reformed screamer, I feel as though after a quarter century of dealing with elementary school kids, I have a pretty solid understanding of what works and what doesn't. Screaming does not. Neither does being the "cool teacher" who turns a blind eye to the mischief and chicanery of those far younger than myself. I don't go out of my way to prosecute, suspend, or send home, but I do talk to them about their choices. Which leads to some eye-rolling and teeth-sucking. 

And that's okay with me. If history has taught me anything, it's that I prefer being a little annoying to being lightly disrespected. That's the gig I signed up for, and it's the gig I am currently playing. Right after this two week break. 

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