Friday, December 31, 2021

If You Ask Me

 Wave bye-bye to 2021. The dumbest year on record is slipping into the rearview mirror. It's easy enough to point to the font of all stupidity. Just look for the idjits wandering around without masks. Without vaccines. With defiant attitudes. "You're not going to trick my body into staying healthy. Just because the government gives us something for free, I'm immediately suspicious of it." Yes, this is the same group of dullards who booed their less than fearless leader when he let slip that he had taken not one, not two, but three shots of the vaccine his administration put into warp speed. On a long enough timeline it seems that the former game show host's base will extinguish themselves. 

More stupidity: This crew that is so steadfast in their insistence that the government should keep their hands of their bodies are also up to their shoulder blades in supporting legislation that would limit a woman's right to choose her own reproductive care. Meanwhile, once these lives that we spared in the womb have become a drag on the economy, they should be cut off. Or given guns to continue the die-off that has reached the ugliest of proportions even while so many of us are trying to save lives. It would seem that the preservation of life is a real mixed bag for the intellectually stunted. 

Worse yet, we seem to be furthering their stupid plans for world domination by allowing them to use social media, elect candidates dumber than they are, and perhaps worst of all: Trying to reason with them. 

"What makes you think the election was stolen?"

"A guy on the Internet said it was."

"A bunch of other guys on the Internet said it wasn't."

"See? That's just what the guy in the Internet said you would say! It's prophecy!"

More than a year after the last votes were counted, several months after votes have been recounted and a truckload of conspiracies have been debunked, this conversation continues to take place. Stupid. And we are just days away from the anniversary of the most glorious display of stupidity from the year that was. A bunch of stupid people decided to go to Washington DC and storm the building where the predetermined results of that election were being formally committed to history. A government building that has countless security cameras. Not to mention the steady live-stream from the perpetrators themselves, who went about their vandalism and insurrection while the world watched, slack jawed. More than seven hundred of these stupid people have been charged in this dimwitted display of anarchy. Many of these have been shocked and surprised to discover that, not only could they be caught and prosecuted and jailed, but the object of their misguided affection would leave them hanging while he tried to keep his own stupidity from going on display to all of us. Stupid and non-stupid alike. 

And all the while, one hundred Americans die from gun violence every day. More than a thousand die from COVID-19. That's pretty stupid, if you ask me. 

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