Monday, December 06, 2021


 If you are reading this, put down your phone. This may make it difficult to read if you're in the habit of catching my personal brand of telling it like it is via your cellular device, but I'm just asking you to set it down for a moment. The same with your keyboard. Push away from the desk just a bit to give you a chance distance yourself from the words you are reading. 

These are my words. My thoughts. You are free to have your own. You can feel free to share them. I would go so far as to encourage it. But first, read the whole thing, and then respond.

If you've got a gun in your hand, put it down. As a matter of fact, why not go ahead and take the time to unload it and lock it away someplace safe for the duration of this interaction. 

If you're in a car driving somewhere and trying to catch up with me on your way to buy a new phone or gun, pull over and read this all the way to the end before continuing on your way. Please do this safely. There is no rush.

What you are currently reading is a group of words assembled to incite a reaction. It is not to be ignored, like the instructions to an IKEA dresser. As long as you're here, stick with it for the duration.

Everybody comfortable? Everyone set?

Here it goes:

Pay attention to the things in life that matter. Spend more time with flesh and blood human beings than the avatars and electronic friends you maintain. Take the time to talk to your family in meaningful ways, and by this I mean somewhere outside the auspices of the comment section of their Instagram feed. If you're in a car or plane or bus or train, take the time to make eye contact with someone. It might be a little scary at first, but I promise you it won't hurt. 

Those people are someone else. They are not robots or computer game images. Their minds are doing things that yours may be doing. Their minds might have all kinds of things to share with you. You could try something really old school: have a conversation that doesn't involve typing with your thumbs. Or Caps Lock. Again, this could be frightening at first, because they sound you hear won't be just that of your own voice rattling around in your head. 

If you've followed this prescription and it doesn't bring you any relief from the urges to buy a new phone or gun, continue on your way. It's a free country, after all. These are only suggestions. 

Now if you'll excuse me, I am pushing away from my own keyboard to go look at other people in the eye. 

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