Thursday, December 16, 2021

Heart Of Darkness

 Last one out of Faux News, please turn off the lights.

What? You say the lights have been off this whole time?

Chris Wallace announced this past Sunday that he was leaving the company after eighteen years serving at the whim of Rupert Murdoch and the gang. He said that he would be joining "the enemy," hosting a show on CNN's streaming service. 

How could this have happened? Could it be that finally there just wasn't enough news to report from the tower of Doom known as Fox News? If one were predisposed to having any integrity at all as a journalist, maybe it was finally time to retire from the clown show and go somewhere that doesn't require exaggeration as a practice. Or sacrificing your immortal soul. 

Or maybe he is planning on meeting up with his father, Mike Wallace of 60 Minutes fame in the hereafter. I would imagine that Chris would have a difficult time explaining all the less-than-ethical chicanery going on behind the scenes at the house that Rupert built. Certainly, he is due some praise for being one of the few voices of reason in a den of confused jackals more interested in continuing the absurd rhetoric and slanted views that were so very popular for the past five years or so. 

Now seems like a pretty good time to leave that dead horse behind. 

"It is the last time, and I say this with real sadness, we will meet like this," Wallace said as he pushed away from the desk at Fox News Sunday one last time.  He described his time at Fox as a "great ride" and said he was "ready for a new adventure." Some people might have the same reaction to their time in Disneyland. Or a trip up the river to find Colonel Kurtz. I've got Mister Wallace cast in the Captain Willard role, with Sean Hannity taking over for Brando. Tucker Carlson in the Dennis Hopper role. 

Whatever the case, I find it difficult to applaud what was a pretty simple decision: leave while you still have a shred of dignity, or stay and become part of the Borg. Another creepy analogy for a creepy place to work. The downside being that at Faux News, he showed up as the lone voice of reason. Who knows what will happen when he has to make sense every day? 

We will wait and see. 

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