Tuesday, November 09, 2021


 To say that I was outraged might be underselling it a bit. It's difficult to tell, since I have spent such a great deal of my adult life sitting on the edge of outrage that the toes I dabble in that pool may have become numb from the experience. 

However, I might have expected that my reaction to Insurrectionist Jenna Ryan being sentenced to sixty days in jail for her part in the riots of January 6. Especially coming on the heels of her tweeted assertion that nothing of the sort would happen to her: "Definitely not going to jail. Sorry I have blonde hair white skin a great job a great future and I'm not going to jail. Sorry to rain on your hater parade. I did nothing wrong." The Texas realtor who flew on a charter jet to participate in the gathering of like-minded insurrectionists plead guilty to a single federal misdemeanor charge of parading in the Capitol. Instead of the twelve counts for which she was originally charged. 

Do you feel my outrage being tweaked? 

I do.  

Then there's the four page "apology" Ms. Ryan wrote to the court. Which, like most of the regrets expressed by the lemmings who stormed the Capitol way back when, they start out contrite and turn abruptly to whinging about their unfair treatment. It begins "Please accept my sincere apologies for my actions on January 6th, 2021. I take full responsibility for parading and picketing in a restricted building. I understand the weight of my actions and deeply regret entering the Capitol that day." By the second paragraph, the contrition turns, citing the fact that she had showed up a little late: "I knew it was wrong to go into the building, but I entered anyway because so many people were already in there and there were no barricades blocking my entry." By the beginning of page two, she writes about her return home to Texas, "I was experiencing cognitive dissonance. What I saw on the news was contrary to the relative peaceful protest that I had experienced on the 6th."

Feel free to read more about Ms. Ryan's exploits and her cognitive dissonance at your leisure. I am done with her. My feet are numb with outrage after making it through her four page excuse for being a nitwit. 

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