Friday, November 26, 2021


 I was reading an article the other day opining about the state of the movie industry, specifically in the case of going to the well too often. They cited upcoming projects such as the origin story of Buzz Lightyear, as well as additional burdens to the already strained saga known as Star Wars. Where are all the new ideas? What is this fascination with exposition? 

There were TV shows crafted from the ugly beginnings of Bates Motel and Nurse Ratched. Because there was some comfort to be found in uncovering how those particular twigs became bent. It comes from the oft-occurring question, "Didja ever wonder how they got that way?"

And here's what I will say: Not really.

To be transparent here, I will confess an abiding and painstaking adoration for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. That studio's willingness to pull on seemingly minor threads and come up with box office hits would be, for most people, a clinic on marketing the likes of which we have not seen before on this planet. Back stories are the stuff of comic book mythos, and I am happy to line up and stare into the dark at whatever story those folks decide to extrude. I await with great eagerness yet another reiteration of the Spider Man legend, this one is even being promoted as a rehash of prior versions. Which I am told is the selling point. At the same time, I can say that I am thoroughly bored with the scene where Bruce Wayne's parents get shot, pearls bouncing into the gutter while the orphaned billionaire begins his voyage to caped crusaderhood. I know that one. 

Just like the idea of turning The Hobbit into three movies was an exercise in overkill made possible by the success of the already great but cumbersome trilogy. And I paid to watch them all. Just like long ago and far away I lined up to see each new chapter of the Planet of the Apes pentalogy, only to surrender my allowance for the Tim Burton reboot and the most recent CGI enhanced entries into the "how did this all happen" sweepstakes. 

Did I mention that Harrison Ford is going to pull that leather jacket and fedora on one more time? Does the world need more Indiana Jones? I won't lie. I will keep an eye out for the next installment, and make my choice just prior to heading down to the theater. Because as much as I moan and whine about wanting something new, I will sit still for one more ride on that tired merry-go-round just in case there's something I missed on all those previous trips to the well. 

And came up empty. 

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