Monday, November 15, 2021

Enough Already

 Because of course he did.

The former game show host and twice-impeached "president" defended his supporters who called for the hanging of his vice president, Mike Pence. “Well, the people were very angry.” 

After he assumed that his second in command "was well-protected, and I had heard that he was in good shape,” the lord of obsolescence asserted, “It’s common sense that you’re supposed to protect. How can you ... if you know a vote is fraudulent, right? How can you pass on a fraudulent vote to Congress? How can you do that?”

Was this statement made in some dark corner of the White House, recorded surreptitiously and held under wraps because of some warped version of executive privilege? Well, no. It was part of an interview his royal Narcissist gave to author Jonathan Karl back in March. Four months after the election that he lost and two months after insurrectionists stormed the Capitol on his behalf. At his urging.  

In that odd but somehow familiar ramble from His Royal Foolishness, he used the phrase " common sense that you're supposed to protect." Protect what? The Constitution? Your running mate and personal attack dog from the previous four years? Democracy? 

No. It was the continued cry of the Boo Hoo Bird and his followers. "Fraudulent!" Without any basis, evidence, and after numerous recounts of those same tired ballots who would be much more comfortable resting in a recycling mill on their way to becoming placemats for McDonalds. If this is the stuff we can find in interviews given freely to a journalist from ABC News, one can only imagine what might be found among the litter of papers that he and his tiny hands are trying to keep the world from seeing. 

Maps of the Capitol, marked up with Shaprie, pointing the way to Nancy Pelosi's office, with scribbles n the margins like "wreck stuff" and "fight for your dear leader!" 

It's been more than a year since the election that brought all this ugliness to a head. Now it's time, at the risk of rhyming, to put this thing to bed. Even Facebook had it together enough to ban this twit from its pages, why not just ban him from running for elected office and call it a day? 

I, for one, have seen and heard enough. 

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