Saturday, October 09, 2021

Roll On

 It's a pretty fine line, actually. 

As I was standing out front of my elementary school in Oakland, California celebrating all the different ways students walked and rolled to school, in Arlington, Texas there was a very different happening. 

At my school, there were prizes.

In Arlington, there were shots fired.

At my school, we cheered.

In Arlington, there were screams.

At my school, we tallied up the number of kids who walked to school.

In Arlington, they tallied up the number of kids who will never walk again.

At my school, we greeted each student by name.

In Arlington, names of the dead and injured were not immediately released.

At my school, it felt like a party to start the day.

In Arlington, it felt like the end of the world.

At my school, we were celebrating life.

In Arlington...

International Walk and Roll to School Day was celebrated very differently, depending on your location. Some took the bus. Some carpooled. Some came to school on their skateboard. Some are leaving by ambulance. 

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