Saturday, October 16, 2021

Looking For Approval

 The headline asked, "Why Are Biden's Approval Ratings So Low?"

I didn't read the article. The answer was far too simple: Joe Biden is President of the United States. The true challenge being on that last modifier, "United." It has been at least five years since we had anything that felt truly united here in the states. Whoever was left in charge after January 6th would have a pretty difficult job bringing everyone to the table. Getting them all to sit down together would be a chore of unbelievable proportions. With all those forces pulling on the left and the right to get the country to sail off in their direction, somebody has to stand at the wheel and try to maintain a course.

To be clear from the outset: I have not agreed with every decision to come out of the White House since Biden took up residence there. Near the top of my disagreements is the way we are choosing to continue to mishandle the refugees and immigrants seeking a new life within these allegedly united states. Why isn't this different? Why hasn't that changed? Why doesn't someone fix that? 

I know that I am riding in the back seat and hollering at the driver to stop at the next Stuckey's. It makes sense to me that Stuckey's would be a logical next place to stop. Have you tried their pecan log? Some of the people with whom I am travelling have a nut allergy. They can wait in the car. Or they can hop out and hitch a ride from somebody else. This nation/car is going to Stuckey's!

But that's not how this works. Especially when there are elements, large crowds, of folks with opinions about where the next stop will be. Someplace without mask mandates. Someplace without vaccines. Someplace just south of reality. 

And Joe Biden gets to be President for those people too. 

Why are Joe Biden's approval ratings so low? He's making decisions. He withdrew our troops from Afghanistan. Yay. He didn't do it right. Boo. He created a ton of jobs. Yay. But not enough. Boo. He wants to stop COVID-19 from spreading. Yay. He wants you to get vaccinated. Boo. He thinks the Beatles are the best group ever. Yay. What about the Stones? Boo. 

And the list goes on. And on. And on. 

One of the best human beings to ever hold the office of President of the United States was Jimmy Carter. He was run out of Washington D.C. after one term because he tried to bring the country back from the brink of the abyss generated by Richard Nixon and his faithful golden retriever Gerald Ford. Jimmy Carter's approval rating when he left office was just ten points higher than Richard Nixon's when he resigned in disgrace. 

It's not the President. It's the people filling out the form. We will never be satisfied. 

Maybe that's a good thing? 

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