Monday, September 27, 2021

Situation: Normal

 The ninjas are deadly and silent

They're also unspeakably violent
They speak Japanese
They do whatever they please
And if you tear of their mask
They'll be smiling - "The Ninjas" by Barenaked Ladies

Just a quick note here: The ninjas we will be discussing are not necessarily silent, nor do they speak Japanese. However, after most recent revelations, I am smiling. I am writing today about the Cyber Ninjas, the group that just completed a months-long hand recount of the presidential election of 2020. The one that was reported as a win for Joe Biden in Arizona. As we prepare to enter the tenth month of President Biden's first term, these Cyber Ninjas are going to report that what happened for the rest of us back last November is confirmed. The “Maricopa County Forensic Audit” not only shows that a majority of voters in the fourth most populous county in the United States selected Joseph R. Biden as the forty-sixth president. And the report also confirmed that Senator Mark Kelly remains Senator Mark Kelly. Thank you ninjas, for that update. 
Millions of dollars were spent on this redundant endeavor, and it would seem that the promises from head ninja Doug Logan that all that Trump-related financing would not interfere with the veracity of their findings. The hand count shows Trump received 45,469 fewer votes than Biden. The county results showed he lost by 45,109. This trend suggests that additional poking about might bump that number up past 45,700.
But what's the point, really? No fraud was detected. No massive "ballot dumps" were discovered. All that secrecy and stealth provided us with results that were available to us months and millions of dollars ago. Of course, no one said that ninjas are not crafty. By essentially reproducing the data from November, Doug and his crew were able to rake in millions of dollars of conservative money to put on a show of counting and recounting election results that were never truly in doubt. The need for such an enterprise was lacking from the very beginning, but that didn't mean there wasn't money to be made. 
So the checks were cashed, and Sylvester McMonkey McBean will move on to the next place stars need to be placed on Sneetch's bellies. Or taken off. 
Situation normal...

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