Sunday, August 22, 2021

My Word

 It has the ring of what we, in America, call "genius." A guy puts a bunch of stuffing in a bag, and markets it as "My Pillow." Before we go very much father, let me insist that this might sound as if I am promoting Mike Lindell's brainchild. Not in the least. Rather I would like very much to point out just how inane it is that our country has come so far down its twisted path that a pillowmaker can become a political force. The first thing to reckon with is how a guy like Mike could stumble into a fortune simply by selling sacks of polyurethane foam. What makes them so special? I suppose it's that clever bit of putting "My" in front. What could be more quintessentially American?


Mike still feels that way about Presidents. He continues to cling desperately to the Orange Blob of Defiance as his leader, with multiple promotions and insistences that we have not seen the last of the OBD. And he has the cash to put up to support such beliefs. Or he appears to. He offered five million dollars to anyone who could disprove his claims of voter fraud in the 2020 election if they showed up at his "cyber-symposium." You have to pay in the neighborhood of fifty dollars for the privilege of calling one of those polyurethane foam bags "My Pillow," so he'd have to make that exchange happen a whole lot of times before he could truly afford to pay someone to disprove his claims of voter fraud. Because all the other evidence that could disprove his claims of voter fraud were not enough. We are rounding the corner into a full calendar year since the "contested" election, and all those folks recounting and blaming equipment that has been shown to work perfectly fine continue to make noises that sound like a whole mess of foxes mewling over sour grapes. The chief technology officer for Texas-based Security Institute, Bill Alderson who claims to be an OBD supporter, took Mike Pillow up on his offer. When it turned out that there was no new evidence to refute presented at the cyber-symposium, Alderson went ahead and asserted that Joe Biden had won the 2020 election fair and square. The super-secret packets of information that would have made the certified results a lie turned out to be bunk. 

This announcement only fueled the rage of Mister Pillow, and so as we look forward to another Autumn, there are still those rabid, glassy-eyed zealots who insist that two and two is in fact three. The rest of us are just looking at it wrong. Meanwhile, Sean Hannity continues to fight the good fight by working impromptu ads for My Lindell into his nightly broadcast. The pillow I use is holding up just fine, by the way. And it's mine. 

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